
PTFE filters for PM2.5 47 mm

Filter Suppport for 37 mm y 25 mm filters

Cellulose Ester Filters (MCE) 37 mm and 25 mm

37 mm and 25 mm Micro Quartz Filters

PCTE fiber filters 37 mm and 25 mm

Filters of fiberglass 37 mm and 25 mm

25 mm cassettes for asbestos

25 mm Cassettes in Styrene

37 mm Cassettes in Styrene

37 mm cassettes without static conductivity

Pipes for collection of gases and vapors

Cyclone Dorr Oliver Nylon 10 mm for NIOSH 600, 7500, 7501, 7601, 7602

Cyclone Triplex for PM1 / PM2.5 / PM4 to 3.5 / 1.5 / 1.05 LPM

Cyclone SCC0.695 for PM0.8 to 2.21 LPM

Cyclone GK2.05 for PM2.5 at 4 LPM

Cyclone Rascal GK4.162 for PM4 at 8.5 LPM

Cyclone GK2.69 for PM4 / PM10 at 4.2 / 1.6 LPM

Cellulose Ester Filters (MCE) with 37 mm and 25 mm grid

37mm and 25mm PTFE filters

Product Categories

Sound and Vibration

Outdoor Environment Monitoring

Gas Detection

Water Monitoring

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